We are now in the BETA version working on a few known bugs.

Plymouth Rocket : Help
1 Wallingford Public Library

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If you would like more information about any of the events listed for Wallingford Public Library please contact:

Event Coordinator Janet Flewelling
Phone (203)265-6754
Email [email protected]

If you have any questions about how to navigate through the presentation of events, read on. The Wallingford Public Library event listing is powered by EventKeeper from Plymouth Rocket. At Plymouth Rocket, we sincerely hope that our applications are easy to use and intuitive, but we know that you might still have a question or two. If you don't see your question (and its answer) below please contact us.


How do I get to the Wallingford Public Library Home Page?

You can get to the Wallingford Public Library Home Page by clicking here.


How does the small, graphical calendar work?

If you want to see the calendar for a different month, click the drop down icon next to the month name and select a new one. The same procedure applies for viewing the calendar for another year. Note that the rest of the Events listings will remain the same when you change the month or year on the small calendar. Within the calendar, some dates are underlined, indicating a link. If you click on one of those links, the Events page will show you what events are scheduled for that day.


Can I see the information in a month format?

The "Monthly Calendar View" and "Yearly Calendar View" links under the small, graphical calendar take you to a full month screen display and a full year screen display. On the full month display you can see the abbreviated names of the scheduled events. (Note: the calendar will ONLY list the events for your selected criteria. You'll see the selected keywords in the top left corner of the full month display screen.) By clicking on the underlined number for a day on which events are scheduled, you return to the Event listing for that day. The full year display shows 12 months with active links on the days that have events (also based on the selection criteria). You can print either the full month or the full year calendar. See our printing tips.


Can I change which events are displayed?

You bet. You can choose to display only certain events using the selection links and boxes that are displayed just above the first date bar. The options available for Wallingford Public Library are:
  • Keyword/Filter Selections - The Wallingford Public Library Event listing uses two "keywords" as a way to list events within certain categories (like "filtering" data). There are two "keyword" selection boxes and you select different keywords by choosing items on the drop down lists. (The choices for the second keyword are based on the first keyword selection). As each keyword is changed, the display will automatically update to show only events in the selected categories. Keyword selections are carried over into the full month and full year calendar displays.
  • Month and Year Selections - These selection boxes allow you to select a different month, select current month or all months, change the year or show all years. One interesting point to note: at the bottom of the Month selection list, there is a choice called "Include Past". When you select "All Months," the display always starts with TODAY. If you are interested in seeing past events, select "Include Past."

What Information is listed for an event?

The person at the Wallingford Public Library who enters the event has the option of showing this information:
  • Event Start Time, Event End Time, Event Name
  • Contact Name, Phone Number and E-Mail
  • Event Description
  • A link to more information - just click on the link (if available) and you'll get a popup window with the information. Close it when you are done.
  • Event Location
  • Note: If the Event is displayed in the Compressed View, a "[EXPAND THIS EVENT]" link is displayed next to the event name.

How can I print this information?

Your browser probably lets you print any web page by selecting "File", then "Print". That works for the Event List page too, but if you want a prettier printout, first select the "[Printer-friendly version]" link and then select File/Print.
  • Printing Tip #1 - When you print the full month calendar, you might want to try it in Landscape instead of portrait (depending on your browser you probably have a "Page Setup" option under the File menu to change the orientation).
  • Printing Tip #2 - If you are printing the calendar or the Event list for hard copy distribution, you might want to suppress the top and bottom headers that your browser puts on the page. This can usually be done with File/Page Setup.

Would you like feedback on the EventKeeper site?

YES! Please send us email to offer suggestions, ask us questions, report problems, or send us compliments!


Who enters this information?

Each organization has authorized "editors" for the Events. It may be one person for the entire organization or it may be multiple editors each responsible for a certain type of event. Please note that we at Plymouth Rocket are not typically responsible for the entry or verification of Event information. If you have additional questions about entering Events, please contact the person listed at the top of this page as Event Coordinator.


How can I get an event listed?

You will need to contact someone at Wallingford Public Library to list a new event, change any currently listed event or send inquiries about the organization. See the table at the top of this page to find the contact name.


How can I sign up to use EventKeeper?

Excellent question. If you are ready to sign up, go directly to the Signup Page.

If you'd like more information check out the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page and the EventKeeper Home Page.


What browsers can I use to access EventKeeper?

We tested out the EventKeeper application on the most commonly used platforms using the most popular browsers. We specifically work towards getting optimum performance on a PC using Netscape 4.7+ and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0+, AOL 5.0+ or on a Mac using IE 4.5+. If you feel your browser is up to date and your configuration is reasonably standard, please contact us if you still have problems accessing or navigating through the Events pages.

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This page last updated : EK/TK XB : 2024.09.15 - 10:00 PM
Contact us or visit our EventKeeper web site.