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EventKeeper - EK Mars

The new EK MARS version. This allows your organization to have up to 900 events, 30 notes and 10 editors ($5.00 per additional editor) at any one time during the subscription year. Events may be deleted after they take place to make room for more events. For many clients, this basic subscription will be all you need.

The services listed below provide additional, optional features. If not purchased at the time of signing up with EventKeeper, the cost of these services will be prorated to match the renewal date of the standard subscription.
EventKeeper Plus

This option is for organizations who want to store more events and notes than are available with the Standard Service. With this option, your organization can store an additional 300 events and 30 notes for your EventKeeper calendar. In addition, you may add up to 3 more EventKeeper editors.
Public Event Submission

This addition to a Standard EventKeeper calendar subscription allows the public to submit events. This service includes one additional editor plus customized email notifications of event submission and acceptance.
EKRegistration (Basic)

This addition to a Standard EventKeeper calendar subscription allows you to create a registration form for each of your events. Compare Basic and Advanced
EKRegistration (Advanced)

This addition to a Standard EventKeeper calendar subscription allows you to create an advanced registration form for each of your events. Compare Basic and Advanced
EKRegistration Upgrade (Basic to Advanced)

This is a mid-year upgrade from the Basic version of EKRegistration to the Advanced version. You must have previously ordered EKRegistration Basic as an add-on to EventKeeper.

This is a 1 year subscription to our Meeting Room Management System. This version will support management of rooms at one location.
TixKeeper - TK Mars

This is the new TK Mars version of the one year subscription to TixKeeper. This allows your organization to track up to 1000 reservations at any one time for a period of 1 year. Includes 3 editors.

If you are an existing EventKeeper client, the cost of this service will be prorated to match the renewal date of the PR-EK-01 Standard Service.

Please contact us for a custom quote if you are considering using TixKeeper for Device Discovery and Reservations, if you have a multibranch system, or if you have more than 20 museum passes you plan to make available. This information will help us prepare the best possible training and support plan and pricing.

Basic KitKeeper subscription for managing kits, (Book Club Kits and others).

Please contact us for a custom quote if you are considering using KitKeeper for Device Discovery and Reservations (instead of just books), if you have a multibranch system, or if you have a large number of kits you plan to make available. This information will help us prepare the best possible training and support plan and pricing.
KitKeeper Branch

This allows KitKeeper to be used in a branch library when the main library has purchased the basic subscription
Patron Authentication

This feature is used with TixKeeper and/or EKRegistration and/or KitKeeper to verify patrons. The standard price applies to all of the many methods of authentication that Plymouth Rocket currently supports, including SIRSI/DYNIX, POLARIS, INNOVATIVE (III), TLC, EVERGREEN, BIBLIONIX, and others.

As part of the ordering process we will need to verify that we currently support your authentication method. It is rarely the case, but if supporting your authentication takes significant additional development work, we will let you know and may need to increase the first year cost of authentication.
Multiple Application Discount

Discount available to organizations that subscribe to both EventKeeper and one of our other applications, e.g. TixKeeper, KitKeeper or LitKeeper. (Discount is applied prior to any prorating.)